Track Your Trades (TYT) simplifies completion of the otherwise tedious IRS Schedule D (Capital Gains and Losses) tax form. You can generate Schedule D and Form 8949 not only for the current tax year, but for PRIOR tax years as well. Created for investors, traders, and tax professionals, TYT supports stocks, options, mutual funds, short sales, wash sales, FIFO cost basis, LIFO cost basis, Specific Shares cost basis, equity type filtering, and password protection. Users can either print the Schedule D report for mailing, or export it to TurboTax, H&R Block, TaxAct, or Excel for e-filing. Trades can be manually entered, or imported via a CSV file downloaded from TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, Fidelity, Schwab, or similar online brokerage. TYT stores trades from one or more brokerage accounts in a single consolidated file, allowing easier tax reporting from your PC or laptop. TYT contains tools to support tax planning, including a What-If Wizard, which helps find opportunities for strategic tax-loss selling. TYT also generates IRS Form 4797 for Mark-to-Market traders.